I really can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this phrase. And it seems with the onslaught of the digital age it’s become epidemic. For the record cameras don’t take pictures, people do. And if you want to be a good photographer it might be well to understand this.

Cameras are merely a tool.....film (and yes, the immortal sensor) are merely a canvas. Furthermore, Photoshop and other editing software are not the panacea. They comprise a digital darkroom; considerably more user friendly than the traditional film darkroom, but that is their sole purpose. They don’t make you a better photographer. (computer geeks take heed).
Photography is an art form at its best...although it is mostly a personal documentary medium for the average person, and that’s all fine and good. Perhaps it's best not confuse the two, because that’s less important to all camera toters than understanding that photography is about light.....period!
That is your medium. And whether you’re an aspiring artist or you just want great family or travel photos, it all begins with an understanding and visual recognition of this simple fact.
As a career photographer and photojournalist I offer this advice from my website.
"Although subject matter and composition are important elements in creating a photograph, if you aspire to be a great photographer you must be a student of light"
Without exception it is the quality of natural or controlled light that creates the drama, emotion and visual appeal of an image. Subject matter and composition are secondary.
Photography truly is the "art of seeing" or better stated the art of recognizing the sometimes dramatic, but more often subtle and infinite diversities and changeability in the quality of light. A camera is merely a tool, for a true photographer "light is the medium".
These workshops offered in both studio and natural settings will enlighten and excite you, and will change the way you look through your viewfinder forever. You'll begin to create the images you really desired and envisioned.
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