For over twenty years the people of the Kootenays have fought diligently in opposition to the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort...and for good reason. In reality it is merely a real estate development based on building a ski resort and resort municipality on a shrinking glacier in the pristine wilderness of the Purcell Mountains for the internationally wealthy.
Countless studies and public opinion polls have shown over and over again that this proposal is not viable environmentally or economically for our region. Yet it seems there are powers and a current provincial government agenda that want to move this project forward nonetheless.
After twenty long years of opposition by people of this region, some recently elected MLA by the name of Steve Thomson (Minister of Natural Resource Operations) from Kelowna, will soon make the final and sole decision on this contentious issue. He was elected in 2009 and immediately appointed as Minister (his background...long time orchard owner and recent president of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce)...to quote a common phrase "no experience or knowledge necessary." How totally bazaar and ridiculously undemocratic!
Given the overall climate toward selling out our resources and our natural heritage by the current government there is little question what his decision will be.
I hope the 'white shirt and tie' from Kelowna' and his BC LIEberal government are prepared to meet head on with the people of the Kootenays. It'll be a war in the mountains for sure and it's best they understand the dedication, beliefs and willingness to battle oppression that is, and always has been, the nature of Kootenay people.
I would like to include two wonderful videos here.
The first by my friend and filmmaker Kevin Shepit from Kimberley, BC (and amazing documentary) and another by Miriam Needoba (Small Town Films, Nelson BC) who documented the recent Jumbo Wild Rally in Nelson.
If you need a refresher on the whole issue these two video productions combined will provide it.
Send emails with your concerns and comments to: steve.thomson.mla@leg.bc.ca
Keep Jumbo Wild !!!